
Friday, April 11, 2014

Life Lesson For My Little Men #39

Recently, I have noticed a huge increase in the imaginative play that both James and Andrew are taking part in.  Some of the funniest dialogue comes out of these experiences.  For example, last night Andrew said in the most serious tone "I REALLY want to paint" while holding paint brush and dipping it in an empty bottle and spreading it on the floor.  Routinely now, stuffed animals have been renamed to be characters in favourite books or movies and we have begun to play doctor's office (not doctor, but doctor's office - the difference lies in the all of the actions leading up to the actual appointment, like registering at the desk, getting weighed, etc. vs. what is normally portrayed).  I am such a huge fan of the boys being creative and exploring the reaches of their imagination.  In a world in which we are often held in check by the limitations of reality and told to get our heads out of the clouds, there is something truly rewarding about watching these two lives seek out limitless imagination and dreams. 

On the less exhilarating side of this same discussion is the fact that quite regularly Adrienne and I (reluctantly or are mandated to) assume the roles of a character in some story.  This has sometimes worked in our favour, like the time she was Ariel and I was Prince Eric (Little Mermaid) but other times less so.  My favourite thus far has been Jasper and Horace (the bumbling villains from 101 Dalmations).  Adrienne was decidedly given the role of Jasper the tall, thin and reluctant brains of the operation while yours truly was told in no uncertain terms that I was Horace (shorter, plumper and dimmer).  Whatever, how long can this last, an hour or big deal, right!  Oh No! It still pops up, every now and then, at obscure moments...

Imagination is an amazing thing my little men.  The ability to truly dream big, think beyond the boundaries of what seems to be reality and what is possible is something that I hope you never lose.  I used to do a presentation on the importance of having dreams beyond just the rational goals that we are taught are important and I truly believe this.  The world needs people who dream bug and use their imagination and creativity to go beyond what has been defined as limits.  You are off to a great start.  Keep playing, singing, creating, and dreaming but perhaps more importantly please keep sharing with the world what those ideas and dreams are.

Love Always,

Horace AKA Dad

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