
Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Life Lesson for My Little Men #33

Recently we have started to see a change in many things.  At a little over a year and half (corrected) both James and Andrew are right where they should be developmentally.  The words are coming more and more every day; the physical ability to match thoughts to actions is constantly evolving; the recognition of shapes, images and the world around them is beyond amazing to a first time dad.  One of the more interesting changes though is the development of imp-ism.

At one point in time, Adrienne and I could be sure that our direction, if understood, would be followed.  A few months ago, and what seems like on an ever increasing trajectory, this began to shift.  It is now not uncommon for a request to cease and desist to be met with a side ways glance, a coy smile and a slow and purposeful continuation of whatever activity has been deemed questionable, often accompanied by a follow up look to ensure that it has been seen.  This has made for some frustrating moments but more often than not experiences that challenge our ability to keep a straight face.  Some might think that we are doing irreparable damage by losing control and laughing at the occasional display of disobedience but as long as they aren't in danger...really no harm, no fowl...that and I guess only time will tell...As mentioned though, what can be concerning is a lack of understanding of when danger is present.  We have toyed with different words, although we have not found one that seems to have a great deal of impact.  So, this is something to work on, or seek some advice on...If anyone has any suggestions, please add them to the comment section... It's also a task that seems to be even more important with the rise in temperatures and more frequent forays into the outside world.  There are times, when thinking about walking through a parking lot, or playing at the front of the house causes dad, a notorious worrier, a few too many moments of angst, but I guess that's what part of this whole parenting thing is about and is also combated nicely by a very attentive mom and dad.  Not smothering, but attentive.

So my little imps...I mean men.  What I am learning from you each day is how, sometimes, it's important to test convention and to push limits.  Life would be pretty boring without a little mischief, and I would hazard a guess that a few of the more important discoveries would not have been made if everyone subscribed to all rules being truth and beyond question.  What is important in this context is that you have weighed out the consequences of your actions, taken into account your impact on yourself and others and have concluded that the benefits of crossing the line outweigh the consequences of your actions.  If the benefits are for you and you alone, I might suggest that your efforts outside of the rule book may be quite selfish or perhaps might be worth reconsidering.  If the benefits are retrieving a raisin from on top of the fire place using a dump truck as a step stool, I might question your sense of priorities.  In the end, life itself is a great teacher and there is a saying that rules are meant to be broken, as your dad, I would simply ask that you listen to everything I say...but seriously, I would hope that you do your due diligence before taking the leap, because consequences are not always accompanied by a soft landing.



PS - Thanks for the lovely "I love you"s over the phone tonight, you made my day
PPS - Thanks also for showing me the difference between a plane and a truck, multiple times, for the better part of an hour, each's weird, but I am seriously loving it!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Funny, but all that angst is a permanent condition for parents, just over different issues! Learning to recognize and anticipate imminent danger is part of the job, as is learning to back off. A bone-handle on a childhood knife saved me from being a childhood winner of the Darwin award when I wound up on the kitchen floor on my ass after shoving it into the hot side of a socket strategically located at a convenient height for the toaster next to the kitchen table. Don't know where your grandparents had gone! I guess the boys come by their inquisitiveness and impishness quite naturally. Perhaps it skipped a generation!

